Ubean the Company Was a Happy Accident
Ubean the Coffee was Created from a Deep Love of the Flavorful Bean!
Ubean Coffee got its start truly quite by accident, or perhaps you could say we were almost forced into it by a very close friend. We’d been blending coffees for years simply because we really just wanted to make our own blend for ourselves and to serve to friends and family, searching for what we thought was “the best” combination we could find.
While everyone has a different taste – and even things such as the water you use can change the outcome – there was no denying that our friends were more and more asking for our coffee when they stopped in. Even in the afternoon when we would offer them ice tea or lemonade, they would ask for coffee.
It was at this point that we thought we might be onto something. Then one of our good friends stopped over “for coffee” and asked if he could buy some to serve at his house for a dinner party he was hosting (of course we just gave him some). This resulted in us being asked to supply coffee for an upscale wedding.
It was that request that pushed us over the edge and we decided to start looking for a name for the coffee, because now it wasn’t only us who thought the coffee was amazing: our friends told us that their guests complimented the coffee several times throughout the course of the wedding reception.
Why We Sell Direct to the Public Only
Coffee to us is about people and friendships more than anything else. A friend of ours actually owns several grocery stores so we could have easily have started there with the coffee. Instead, Ubean Coffee will be available from a select few specialty shops around the country and from us directly, so get in touch.
We anticipate that our premium coffee brand will tap a greater share of the market for high-end coffee drinkers through offering a first-rate product that balances rich, true flavor with fantastic aroma.
Why Organic?
Deanna “Dee” Lynne, Ubean’s founder explains:
I used to love milk, but that changed at about the age of 14. I no longer enjoyed it at all!
Where once I would come home from school and guzzle down a glass of milk, and then another with dinner, followed by a snack, and a glass of milk before bed, by the age of 16 I no longer drank milk.
I simply assumed my taste buds were changing as I grew older and that I had grown out of milk.
Jump ahead about 20 years or so and I needed milk for a recipe we were making. So I picked up half a gallon of organic whole milk and just for the heck of it, I poured a small amount to taste it. To my surprise – because I’d figured that my taste buds had changed as I aged — this was the great milk taste I remembered when a child.
I did a lot of research and found that it wasn’t my taste buds with a problem; it was the way the processing of milk had changed. These “new” processes do make milk less costly, but the additives in milk now just ruin its real taste.
Today, of course, we drink only organic milk at home and organic cream in our coffee, so our “Organic Milk or Nothing at All” motto that we live by naturally extends to our coffee.
We will never compromise your taste buds or your health to save a few bucks. Never!
Organic Coffee
No synthetic chemicals used so…
- Better for the Beans
- Better for the Taste
- Better for the Soil
- Better for the Planet
- Better for You!
Ubean Coffee is all about bringing our blend to discerning consumers.
About the People Behind Ubean

Deanna “Dee” Lynne

Louis Richard
Midwest Distribution

L. Alexander
West Coast Distribution
Want to get your first bag of Ubean Organic Thrive Blend Coffee – E-mail us at [email protected] or give us a call at 8Hi.My.Ubean