There are various kinds of coffeemakers. They all basically do the same thing – mix hot water with the ground coffee and then filter the grounds. In general with coffeemakers, price is connected to ease of use, not with the quality of the brewing.
Here are a few of the different types of coffeemakers and what they do.
Single Cup Coffee Brewers
There are several different brands of single-serve coffeemaker, each using a particular K-cup or pod of ground coffee. These are ideal if you like drinking just one cup of coffee at a time. Brewing is simple, with little mess or cleaning up. They are also good to use if different people in the household like drinking different kinds of coffee.
The drawback to these types of brewers, however, is the limited type of coffees you can use because the single-cup machine, the coffee has to come in a K-cup or pod form. On the other hand, if you choose to grind your own, you can choose from hundreds of different coffees.
In addition, if you use this single-cup type of brewer, your coffee will be more expensive. Using single-serve coffees usually works out to the equivalent of about $20 a pound.
Drip Brewers
These are the most common type of coffeemakers. They are also one of the best. And they are easy to use – put ground coffee in the filter, add water, and turn it on. If you have a quality drip brewer, the water will be just the right temperature for a good cup of coffee.
The one drawback with these types of brewers is that when the pot holding the coffee sits on the hotplate for any length of time, it can cook the coffee.
The French Press
This type of coffeemaker is basically a glass cylinder that has a plunger with a mesh filter on it. You make the coffee by putting the grounds in the jar and adding hot water. Then, after allowing it to brew for about four minutes, you put the lid on the jar and press down on the plunger.
It is one of the best types of coffeemakers and makes a rich cup of coffee. It is simple yet effective.
Pour-over Coffeemakers
This type of coffeemaker gives you the most control over the coffee making process. The coffeemaker itself looks like a glass cone. You put a filter inside it, add grounds, and then pour the hot water over the coffee grounds. The brewed coffee then drips out the bottom of the cone.
This method allows you to control the temperature of the water, the types of grind you use, as well as how quickly you pour the water in.
No matter what type of coffeemaker you choose, you’ll find that if premium, organic Ubean Coffee is one of the best cups of coffee you’ll ever have! But don’t take our word for it: find an independent Ubean distributor near you and see for yourself!