We’d be remiss for New Year’s if we didn’t urge you to resolve to drink more coffee in 2017. After all, coffee’s health benefits are legion, and drinking more of Ubean’s fair trade, organic coffee would help farmers in developing countries as well as provide those who drink it with coffee made from beans that haven’t been touched by chemical pesticides!
So to help you make – and keep – that resolution to drink more coffee, we’ve come up with seven delightful things you can do to make sure your resolve stays strong.
Hello, 2017!
- Beware of coffee snobs; they can ruin a good cup of “plain” coffee too quickly.
We’re sure you’ve come across the “coffee snob,” a person who simply just can’t believe you drink Folgers (and you like it!!!). Or someone who just can’t fathom why you put Splenda in your espresso. Quell Horreur! - Explore fair trade, organic coffee.
Coffee that’s been certified fair trade in the U.S. must follow strict standards, which include not using the “most toxic chemicals” in the growing of coffee, not using GMOs and more.Fair trade certification helps ensure that the farmers who raised the beans that made the coffee you drink used agrochemicals safely and managed waste responsibly, thus protecting water soil and biodiversity and helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Everybody wins: your taste buds, the coffee farmers and the planet!
- Get out of your coffee comfort zone.
Do you always drink a French vanilla flavored latte? Be bold and try an unsweetened macchiato or espresso. Opt for iced coffee in mid-January. (There’s a conversation starter!) Indulge your wife and enjoy a hot caramel mocha with her (and no mocking!). In other words, it’s a new year; time to try some new ways to drink your favorite bean. - Aim to drink more coffee at home.
Save the fancy coffee drinks as treats (as in, no more than once or twice a week), and just watch how much money you’ll save! - If you do get coffee out every day, get a re-usable cup.
Many places will make your preferred drink in your own cup. Always using a re-usable cup or mug means you alone could help prevent as much as 23 pounds of waste a year (more if you drink more than one cup of coffee a day in a to-go cup). You also could help keep 0.24 pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere, per cup. - Savor your coffee: no chugging.
Many of us grab that coffee and just pour it down into our throats. Or we drive with our cup and drink it without thinking. Instead, this coming year, take some time to actually notice – and enjoy – what you are drinking. Sip your coffee, relishing its flavor. If you visit a coffee shop, bring an actual book and read it, all the while slowly sipping your brew. Better yet, bring a friend with you and have an actual, IRL conversation face-to-face with a live person! - Resolve to try Ubean Coffee.
Ubean is fair trade, organic specialty coffee. We are expensive; but we are worth it! Find an independent Ubean distributor near you before New Year’s Eve, so that you can start 2017 with great coffee!